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Secrets for E-Commerce Growth With Paul Boag (Episode 71

Secrets for E-Commerce Growth With Paul Boag (Episode 72)

July 08, 20248 min read

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🗣In this episode of the Dropship Unlocked Podcast, hosts Lewis Smith and James Eardley are joined by Paul Boag, a renowned expert in customer experience optimisation, digital leadership, and UX design thinking.

With over 27 years of experience and a wealth of knowledge working with top clients, Paul shares invaluable insights into the secrets for e-commerce growth.

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Links and Resources Mentioned:

Pick up a copy of Lewis’ book: https://htabook.com

Get Shopify for £1 a month for 3 months: https://www.dropshipunlocked.com/shopify

Get a free trial with a professional phone line: https://www.dropshipunlocked.com/circle


Key Takeaways:

★ User Experience: Practical UX best practices for e-commerce sites are shared to empower listeners in creating engaging digital experiences.

★ Brand Awareness Through UX: Strategies for enhancing brand awareness through UX enhancements are explored, emphasising the role of UX in brand communication and perception.

★ Leveraging UX for Customer Lifetime Value: Paul discusses the nexus between UX and customer lifetime value, offering actionable insights for designing experiences that foster customer loyalty and long-term relationships.


Learn More:

➡️ When people are ready to create time and financial freedom for themselves, they visit - https://www.dropshipunlocked.com/free?el=blog-71-secrets-for-growth-paul-boag

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Topics Discussed:

In the "Secrets for E-Commerce Growth" podcast episode 72 of Dropship Unlocked, conversion optimisation and user experience expert Paul Boag emphasises the importance of a positive customer experience for e-commerce success. He discusses the significance of retaining existing customers, as the cost of acquiring new ones is higher. Boag shares examples of Love Honey and Wilshire Farm Foods, both of which thrived by addressing their customers' fears and concerns through exceptional customer service. He recommends conducting user research to understand pain points and tailor offerings to meet customers' needs. The conversation also covers the importance of clear communication, testing, and understanding customer needs to improve the e-commerce experience and increase sales. Additionally, Boag discusses strategies for managing and synchronising stock levels effectively.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, Paul Boag, a conversion optimisation and user experience expert, emphasises the importance of customer experience for e-commerce success. Boag explains that the cost of acquiring a new customer is significantly higher than maintaining an existing one. By providing a good customer experience, customers will return repeatedly, reducing marketing and acquisition costs. Additionally, satisfied customers can become advocates, bringing in new business. Boag also highlights the significance of customer lifetime value, which can be increased through excellent customer experiences. Overall, Boag stresses the importance of foundational customer experience for both immediate sales and long-term customer relationships.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, Paul Boag discusses the importance of focusing on the entire customer experience in an e-commerce business, rather than just the website. He emphasises that delivering good customer service and handling returns effectively can turn a disgruntled customer into a brand advocate. Boag shares a personal example of receiving excellent customer service from a sleep mask company, which led him to become a promoter of their brand. He also mentions Love Honey, a sex toy manufacturer, as an example of a company that excelled in customer experience by addressing potential pain points for first-time buyers.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the importance of exceptional customer service is highlighted through the examples of Love Honey and Wilshire Farm Foods. Love Honey, an adult toy retailer, and Wilshire Farm Foods, selling frozen ready meals to the elderly, may seem unrelated, but they both thrived by addressing their customers' fears and concerns. Love Honey offered an unconditional return policy and ensured that customers knew they cared about the details, while Wilshire Farm Foods provided peace of mind to their older customers by having the same driver deliver and unpack their orders, allowing them to pay cash on delivery. This level of customer service allowed both companies to stand out in their respective markets. To replicate this success, Paul recommends conducting user research, which includes both quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative research involves gathering data from a large number of people through surveys, while qualitative research involves in-depth interviews and observing users in their natural environment. By understanding the pain points and objections of customers, businesses can tailor their offerings to meet their needs effectively.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the focus is on gathering customer insights to improve the e-commerce customer experience. Boag suggests setting up exit-intent surveys on websites to understand what's stopping potential customers from making a purchase. Qualitative data can be obtained through email surveys after abandoned carts or during welcome series. When speaking with customers, questions should be asked to uncover pain points, such as concerns about product quality or delivery. Common themes from competitive website reviews can also provide valuable insights. For e-commerce sites that drop ship, the biggest impact can be made on communications with customers, such as ads and website content. The primary problem is objection handling, and understanding why customers might not act is crucial. Boag recommends running surveys to identify reasons for not buying and addressing those concerns clearly on the website.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, they discuss the importance of clear communication and customer service in increasing sales and reducing returns. Boag emphasises the need for an outrageous return policy, quick response to customer inquiries, and providing valuable information about orders. He also suggests using end-to-end tracking and addressing potential objections on the website. Boag encourages sellers to focus on the end goal of the customer's purchase and to communicate why their product is better than competitors. He also mentions testing longer return policies and using landing pages to promote them. Overall, the conversation revolves around providing excellent customer service to enhance the shopping experience and boost sales.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the discussion revolves around testing and understanding customer needs for e-commerce growth. Boag suggests creating landing pages for different product benefits to determine what resonates best with customers. He also recommends running test campaigns with "coming soon" pages to gauge market interest before investing in suppliers and setting up a dropship business. The use of landing pages is also applicable for testing new products in existing businesses. Boag prefers using Shopify for creating landing pages, but landing page builders like Unbounce can be easier for quick testing. AB testing and tools like Crazy Egg are alternatives for testing changes, although they come with a cost. The importance of focusing on lifetime value and existing customers, rather than solely acquiring new ones, is emphasised.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the focus shifts to improving the lifetime value of an e-commerce business. Boag explains that the importance of lifetime customer value varies depending on the type of product. For instance, businesses selling items like pet food or those with frequent purchases should prioritise this aspect. Boag emphasises that enhancing the customer experience is key to increasing lifetime value. He suggests identifying and eliminating friction points and offering personalised, fast communication to create a competitive advantage. Being a small business, Boag argues, allows for a level of personalisation and friendliness that larger companies cannot match. Additionally, small gestures like handwritten notes or free gifts can create a lasting impression and encourage customers to reciprocate, leading to positive word-of-mouth and increased sales.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, Paul Boag discusses the importance of creating a positive customer experience to build loyalty and increase sales. He shares an example of sending a free Haribo bag with high-ticket orders, which can lead to social media shares and referrals. Boag also recommends joining his mailing list for weekly advice on conversion optimisation, user experience, and customer experience. He emphasises the significance of understanding the customer journey and user experience to enhance customer lifetime value. While some suppliers may offer API-integrated systems for managing stock levels, it's not the norm in the drop shipping industry.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, Paul Boag discusses strategies for managing and synchronising stock levels in e-commerce businesses. He emphasises the importance of effective communication with suppliers and shares methods for extracting stock data directly from them, even if it's not in a standard format. Boag also mentions the benefits of using software tools and Shopify apps to monitor stock changes and maintain open lines of communication with suppliers. The podcast covers various approaches to stock management and encourages listeners to share their methods within the community. The episode concludes with a request for listeners to leave reviews and subscribe for more e-commerce insights.



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